My 2015
2015 continues the trend of the past few years of destroying all expectations. I am so so thankful for all the people that stand in front on my camera and those that stand beside me while I do whatever it is I'm doing. Much love to you all. This is a snapshot of what I got up to this year, lots of bands, mostly photos and a couple of videos. Not particularly comprehensive, but some of the work I like the most or enjoyed shooting the most.
Thank you to anybody reading who has looked before or is looking for the first time. I hope 2016 brings everything you need and plenty of what you want.
Much love
Admiral Fallow, shot for promotional to accompany their (really really wonderful) album Tiny Rewards, released this year. Also, backstage before a Rage Music Session in the Summer.
Aiden Moffat, playing with Bill Wells at Òran Mór for the West End All Day Festival.
The finale of the Bring it All Home Festival in Paisley.
The Don, Brian Sweeney, shooting on a northern beach for Hit the Road project.
Chloe Leone, shot for promo
Eliot Fisk. One of the worlds most revered classical guitarists. Recording one of the most difficult guitar pieces written. Two of us in the room. Fairly intense. Lovely guy. Jaw dropping talent.
An infrequent Detour outing with Errors at the Glasgow Science Centre with some badass light show fun.
Foggy City Orphan. Shot on 35mm. Got chased out of a graveyard.
This doesn't really fit in but I love it. An abandoned snow boarding trip after wind closed lifts. Driving through the Highlands.
Jason Tucker. Guitarist. Total dude. Backstage at Electric Circus. Lit with an iPhone torch.
Jose Serebrier. Has had more Grammy nominations than I've had baths. Quick shot taken while filming some interviews for LINN Records.
Kasabian headline T in the Park.
The inimitable Ken Bowie. Standing in for lighting checks for an album cover that I can't share yet.
Man of Moon are infuriatingly good. They make me wish I'd had such a clear picture in my head when I was their age. They are killing it, and will definitely keep doing that. I shot this image which was used as the cover for their debut single, and also shot the video shortly after. Big love to JW & Parklife for bringing me on board for this project! Michael Cassidy. His voice.
This year Michael and I drove past a man who had a framed 6x4 photo of Phil Collins on the dashboard of his car.
Nick Bruce. Swag.
So, Prides, they've had a not bad year eh? When I started pulling photos out for this blog, I realised they were the first people I photographed in 2015, in their studio (kitchen) for DIY magazine. I absolutely love the band, so it's been such a pleasure to be there again at points through the year, shooting a lyric video with lego & my cat, some promo stuff for their Autumn tour and a high point for me, their set opening T in the Park. Higher Love indeed.
The Prodigy closed the 2nd stage at TITP this year. Total dream to shoot while also being a massive challenge getting through the strobes.
Tamas Fejes. Shot for the cover of his next album release.
The View. They seem to own TITP!
We Came From Wolves. I have a lot of love for these guys. A real fun day shooting in the bleak, snowy Trossachs.
White. Laying the tiny Poetry Club. Kicked off big this year. Tonnes of fun.
And finally...Kayus of Young Fathers. A phenomenon. Incredible live, great tunes. Playing here at the SAY Awards, which they win last year.
I couldn't round out my year without mention of this one, who did the good deed and said yes. Cat, you win!