Euan Robertson

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Day 1

1/365 Today is a scary day for me.

Over recent weeks I have been deeply considering leaving my day job to pursue what has become a life-changing hobby on a full time basis.

Yesterday, I finished my last day in work and today, I wake up self-employed.

While there is undoubtedly a fear lingering in my belly, I woke up smiling, and feel, for now at least, that I've made the right decision. I think it's true that we only ever regret the things that we don't do. I would hate to look back on my life and rue missed opportunities. And this is what today is, an opportunity.

I know this is going to be the most difficult job I've ever had, but that in itself is exciting. To make this a success, nothing will be taken for granted, and nothing is going to be the same.

I'm hoping that the comings days, weeks and months will provide me with more opportunities to spend time doing what I love doing, and on the first day of this venture, I'm starting a 365 project to document, develop, inspire and motivate me each day.

When I left work yesterday, a wonderful girl I've been working with for the past couple of months gave me this card which now hangs above my desk next to a copy of my resignation letter. I'm going to keep that up there for a while to remind me why I've decided to take this plunge.

I hope you'll join me for the ride E x